Merryman Cassels
Astrology In Real Life
Akashic Records
Harmonize with the Celestial Frequencies: Awaken Your Sacred Path through Astrology and the Akashic Records.
Where the Veil Thins:
The Stars Guide and the Akasha Reveals in Divine Whispers
Astrology IRL: Your Cosmic Blueprint for Real Life Transformation
Learn more, get monthly lessons, motivation, and self-care ideas delivered to your inbox.
Services Offered
Book Your Astrology Reading
Book Your Akashic Records Reading
Classes Offered
Learn Astrology IRL with Merryman
Akashic Records Module A Opening Your Own Records
Akashic Records Module B Opening The Records of Other, Places, Events
2025 Astrology IRL Journals
Astrology IRL for the Ambitious Entrepreneur
Astrology IRL for Recovery and Co-dependency
Astrology IRL in the Shamanic Voice of the Bees
I’ve always believed every sunrise brings new possibilities. Align your actions with the energy of the day, and your life unfold in magical ways.
Welcome to my world, where life's journey has led me down a path of profound transformation and self-discovery. In the tumultuous year of 2020, I, like many of us, felt the call to look within and pivot towards a place of greater authenticity. It was a time to break free from blindly following the unsatisfying "known" and to leap boldly into the vast "unknown."
As a seasoned beekeeper, my journey within the hive has gifted me with profound insights. This transformative odyssey sparked my exploration of European Gynocentric Shamanism, a field that illuminates the timeless partnership between women and nature as healers and bearers of wisdom.
What people say about me
"I have been a big believer of Astrology all my life and have never felt so understood until my reading with Merryman. My reading was a blessing and surpassed my expectations. She is more than knowledgeable, Merryman carries the pure deep wisdom of the stars."
Tracy Roberts, Trace Zen Yoga
"An Astrology reading with Merryman feels like unfolding a treasure map through the stars. Her joy in reading is matched only by her knowledge base and intuition. She communicates the information in a way that makes it completely understandable and also like we are on an adventure together in search of golden gems about my life"