Expanding The Sacred Hive: Accessing The Akashic Records of Others, Events, Places, and Things

Course Overview:

Step deeper into the mystical currents of the Akashic Records in Expanding The Sacred Hive, where the ancient knowledge of the cosmos merges with the profound wisdom of the hive. This immersive weekend course is a continuation of your initiation into the Akashic mysteries, designed for those who have already begun their journey with the Records and are now ready to extend their reach into the energetic realms of others—be it people, places, or creations yet to be born.

Guided by the sacred teachings of bee shamanism, the oracular insights I have honed over years of communion with nature’s hive, and my deep connection to the spiritual realms, you will embark on a transformative path that awakens your ability to access the Akashic Records of others. This journey is not just about acquiring skills; it’s an expansion of your soul’s capacity to interact with the vast, vibrating field of consciousness that connects us all. By integrating these multidimensional teachings, you will enrich your practice and deepen your connection to the energies that guide and shape our world.

Over the course of this enigmatic weekend, you will learn to open the Akashic Records of other people, places, and things—whether it’s the spirit of a city, the essence of a beloved pet, or the creative pulse of a project you are nurturing. As you deepen your experience within the Records, you’ll uncover how this sacred practice can expand your intuitive abilities, forge a more profound connection with your inner guidance, and empower both your life and the lives of those you serve.

Reserve Your Place:

This is a sacred and intimate journey, and spaces are limited to ensure a deeply personal, interactive experience. Secure your place in this powerful weekend course by registering today. Early bird pricing of $595 is available until March 31, 2025. After that date, the course fee will be $695.

Join me for Expanding The Sacred Hive and embark on a deeper exploration of the Akashic Records, where you will learn to access and work with the energies that shape our world, transforming both your life and the lives of those you touch. This is not just a class—it’s an initiation into the expansive, mysterious realms of the Akasha, where the wisdom of the ancients, the guidance of the spiritual realms, and the sacred communication of the hive guide you to new depths of understanding, healing, and spiritual awakening.

Enroll Now!